
In our database you can get acquainted with Hungarian designers. Some of them are acknowledged masters of their special field while others are introducing themselves as starting professionals. Newly uploaded photos offer a wide choice for visitors. Our association would like to recommend all of them to the audience as well as is in belief that designers and customers can get closer to each other through our website.

Introducing designers may help investments, as good design is able to develop high level products. Thus this stopgap register is not just for art-fans, but also for investors, producers and the media. We hope that our visitors will appreciate and have a good use of our register.

How to use

With the help of the left side links you can search for individual designers as well as special fields and their representatives. You will find designers on the base of their locations, too. You can send a direct mail to the selected designer through or web-site.

Welcome on our web-site, please, enter!

Studio of Young Designers' Association (SYDA)